Saturday, April 23, 2011

*UPDATED* Lance Gross Welcomes A Brand New BABY GIRL?!

We preface this post by saying it IS April Fool's Day.  Also, Lance Gross COULD be speaking of welcoming a niece or family member into the world.  And he has not 100% confirmed he is the FATHER of this baby he has been tweeting about welcoming into the world this morning.


With that said, check out the juice about why folks are all a-Twitter about Lance Gross allegedly welcoming a brand new baby girl named Lauren Gross into the world, when you read on....


Some news came across our timeline this morning that made us do a double take.  Hottie actor Lance Gross--who has been claiming ever since his break up with fiance Eva Marcille that he's a single man--announced that he welcomed A brand new baby girl into the world this morning in L.A.

We emphasized "A" because he didn't say the baby is necessarily his.  He proceeded to post a pic of little Lauren Gross.  And told his twitter fans thanks for their congratulations and he called Lauren "lucky" for being born on April 1st.

But with all the beaming and extra prideful tweets, he sounds unmistakeably like a very proud new dad.  Check it:


So....who could possibly be the baby's mother--if this is actually his--since we have never seen him with a pregnant woman?  And if he was trying to keep it on the low, why Tweet about it and a Twitpic her pic immediately?

We'll keep you updated on the details.  But as of now, all we know is, Lance is uber proud of the new baby girl--whether it's his or not--who was just born this morning.



Lance tweeted hours later that this is an April Fool's joke--ruined by Eva Marcille.  Much like we thought.  We're done for today with the B.S. (that could be funny, but isn't as babies are involved) and sticking to factual ish and pics until April 2nd.  Holla....



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