Saturday, May 14, 2011

Foxy Brown Kicked Off The Tom Joyner Cruise For Bad Behavior + Is She Really Dating Shyne!?

Troubled rapper Foxy Brown is at it again.  This time she P.O.'ed the older folks over in Tom Joyner's camp.  First the rapper and radio host had a tense phone interview, then things got even worse when they met face to face on the cruise ship.  Let's just say....Foxy was removed from the ship and escorted to a plane.  Deets inside....


You have to really show your behind to upset "the old school" as our veteran entertainers and professionals tend to have more patience than youngsters who like to pop of at the mouth.  But apparently....Foxy Brown has just what it takes to push a brother over the edge.

Tom Joyner went on record Friday morning saying that Foxy Brown was removed from his "Fantastic Voyage" cruise ship and escorted to a plane.

Now.....because Tom is old school and very professional, he didn't offer up any of the behind the scenes dirt only saying, 

“We put Foxy off the cruise. Let’s just say she got put off.  You had to really act a fool to get put off."

So we don't know what happened from Tom's side....but we got an earful from Foxy on Twitter. Foxy said she felt a little insulted by some of the questions and comments that came from the crew during the interview.  She added that anything "Grandpa" said on the radio was a lie because she got much love while on the cruise ship.  She claims they are starting drama and talking -ish behind her back. 

She ended by saying the best way to handle this situation was to go to Belize on vacation with her "pumpkin"....Shyne.  SIDEBAR:  Is Foxy Brown dating Shyne?

Read the tweets below:



Mel Brooks Emeril Lagasse Nicole Richie Heidi Klum Mario Batali

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